Changing Lives for Happier and Healthier Living

Changing Lives for Happier and Healthier Living

Have you forgotten what it’s like to feel energised and feel yourself again? Say hello to better health…


It’s time to take control of your health if you…

Feel too tired…

…stressed or unsure how to make healthy food and lifestyle choices

Need support to find wellness from within…

…and help you re-think how you age

Think it’s too late…

…to jumpstart healthy living

simply wellness

Help is at hand

Help is at hand

There are numerous factors that could contribute to not feeling yourself. Everything from the food you eat, to the work you do, your lifestyle and the people you socialise with – even your genetics and environment can play a role in your overall wellness.

I understand just how overwhelming it can be to consider these and make better choices for yourself. That’s why my aim is to listen and support you as you navigate through your wellness journey.


Your Agenda is my Agenda

Your Agenda is my Agenda

I believe in offering my clients practical advice to help them rebalance and regain control over their health and lives.

We will work together to create a workable plan to help you overcome any barriers to achieving your level of wellness. My aim is to help you find practical solutions and keep you motivated to reach your milestones.

Break free from feeling Overwhelmed

Make Step-by-Step Sustainable Changes!

Break free from feeling Overwhelmed

Make Step-by-Step Sustainable Changes!

simply wellness

My role is not to diagnose conditions nor just tell you what to do. My role as a Health Coach is to support and inspire you, so you make small sustainable changes that are right and work for you.

Create the Life You Want to Live!
I would love to hear from you…

…if you generally feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start with your own wellness journey. Or maybe you’re heading towards retirement and want to continue to enjoy what wellness means to you.

Invest in your health now and choose from one of my “Wellness” packages. They are designed with research in mind, which suggests it can take 3 – 36 weeks to change a habit and realistically around 10 weeks for that change to become automatic* (depending on the individual). My role is to support that change, helping you to keep focused, accountable and motivated throughout.

*British Journal of General Practice 2012; 62 (605): 664-666

It’s Never Too Late to Start!


Still unsure how I can help?

Still unsure how I can help?

I invite you to take advantage of a complimentary 20-minute telephone session. Let’s jumpstart your wellness journey now!